Blenners Turf High Quality Buffalo Turf For Commercial & Residential Customers

Blenners Turf supplies high quality Buffalo turf to professional landscapers, builders and home owners from Townsville North.

Blenners Turf is soft, able to withstand wear and tear, has great shade tolerance, has low invasive properties as opposed to species such as Couch Grass, and is the best all round choice for your home.

The soft leaf buffalo grass supplied by Blenners responds well to sandy, lightly salty, or alkaline soils, thrives in full sun as well being one of the best choices for partial shade tolerance, requiring only regular lawn care practices.

To obtain the correct square metres required for your new lawn area you will need to measure your length (in metres) of the area and times it by the width. For example 17 X 5 metres = 85 square metres. Call 0409 477 673 for a quote or to place an order.


Ground Preparation

Preparation is the key to maintaining a magnificent instant lawn for a long period. The following steps must be taken to ensure this is achieved.

A soil test is recommended prior to commencing all works. It is best to take several small samples taken at a depth from 0-150mm (avoid taking sam- ples near concrete as this can lead to inaccurate results). Fill a small margarine container and take to Landmark for testing.

Weed control is very important in the preparation process because persistent weeds such as couch can return if these are not chemically sprayed. Products such as “Round Up” are extremely safe and very effective at controlling the above types of weeds. Always follow the directions on the pack.

Soil Preperation

The aim of soil preparation is to improve the structure of your current profile (if undesirable), improve soil aeration and improve drainage. Rotary hoeing of the area to a depth of 150mm is an acceptable method of cultivation.

At this point the soil can be amended with organics such as “Dynamic Lifter”, Topsoils can be incorpo- rated to assist in improving drainage and the instal- lation of drainage / irrigation can be completed. The soil, once tilled, should be of a fine tilth but not pulverised to the state of powder.

Removal of Debris and Leveling

After cultivating, the next task is to rake the area to remove any excess debris that exists.Rake the area removing any large rocks, clumps of weeds or grasses’ As you rake, level the soil / sand as you go.

Measuring and Ordering

To obtain the correct square metres required for your new lawn area you will need to measure your length (in metres) of the area and times it by the width.For example 17 X 5 Metres = 85 square metres.

Laying your Blenners Turf

Prior to laying, it is important that you have a moist soil profile.Using the recommended rates, sprinkle the lawn starter (available at Gardening stores etc) over the soil. Lightly rake this to a depth of 12-15mm.

Start laying your turf at a straight line such as a footpath or driveway. Stagger the joins in each new row, like a row of bricks. Make sure all joins are butted tightly together, without overlapping or leaving spaces between strips of turf.

Use a sharp knife to shape turf around trees, flower beds or along curved borders. Pressing down after turf is laid will ensure good ground contact and remove air pockets.

Watering Your Newly Laid Turf

Water your turf immediately after laying, soaking to a depth of at least 15cm. Water generously for 12- 14 days to encourage root establishment. Gradually taper off watering to a good soaking twice a week in the dry weather. This encourages deep rooting to form a drought resistant root system.

Watering depths should be checked immediately after the first heavy watering to make sure that it reaches a depth of 15cm.


Your new lawn will need mowing in 10-14 days after planting. Your mower blades should be sharp (this stops the turf bruising). Any height reduction should be made gradually. Regular mowing will en- sure a thick, healthy carpet-like lawn.


Although your new lawn has been fertilised before leaving the farm, the heavy watering required to establish the turf will tend to leach most of the nutrients from the soil. It would be beneficial to fertilise your lawn 4 weeks after transplanting.

Please call us to discuss the correct amounts and types of fertilisers available. After this you will need to fertilise your lawn every 8 weeks. (Eco 88)

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